Road Network

Road Network

  • Main roads constructed from standardized reinforced concrete to a width of 28 meters (4 lanes) and secondary roads to a width of 14 meters (2 lanes)
  • Flood prevention through the incorporation of a V-ditch drainage pipe

Soil Quality

  • One of 304 Industrial Park’s most prominent feature lies in its soil quality. The soil is comprised of brown sediments capable of bearing 20-60 tons per meter, affording the ability to withstand the weight of buildings and heavy machinery. Through this construction costs are reduced by as much as 20%.
Security System

Security System

  • CCTV cameras located site-wide
  • Security guard fortification at the main entrance and crossing area within the industrial park
  • Traffic control service from the police station of Srimahaphote district
Fire Safety System

Fire Safety System

  • 24-hour service fire station located within the site
  • Installment of high-pressure pipe around the site for connection to fire hoses